Wine Tasting - Vinho Verde

 Name: Gateway

Variety: Vinho Verde

Region: Vinho Verde

Country: Portugal

Year: 2020

Price: $15

Winery Review: Lovely! Crisp, limestone, citrus, herbal. Such a great vinho verde for the price! I can't wait to drink a lot of this in the summer time!

Wine Folly (pg 184): Wine Folly states this wine is offered in white, rose, and red styles. The most popular being a fruity white with a touch of spritz. This wine pairs very well with fish tacos, mango salsa, and ceviche. I agree with the pairing choices, I didn't pair this wine with anything but based on the taste of it sounds like it would work well. Wine Folly says this wine has a lot of citrus flavor, I thought it reminded me more of an apple flavor profile with some citrus.

My Review: I found this wine to be quite delicious. I loved the fact that it was carbonated, I thought it added a nice element to the wine. Similar to a Riesling, I got strong notes of apple with a subtle citrus flavor. This wine was sweet, but not too sweet, I think I could have enjoyed an entire bottle of this wine by myself and not felt like my mouth was coated in sugar. In the future, I would be very open to trying a red or a rose Vinho Verde and seeing how the flavors change compared to the white version. 


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